What Do You Need To Know About Forgiveness?

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What Do You Need To Know About Forgiveness?

“It is in forgiving that we are forgiven,  And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

St. Francis


When somebody hurts us, breaks our trust we register it in our mind/ brain as a bad experience. The emotions generated as a result of this is disliking, remorseful, hatred, unforgiving, etc. We start disliking that person and develop negative feelings. If we forget about that episode, that’s great. However, most of us carry such feelings for a longer period of time, sometimes for years! We are unable to forget or forgive that episode/ experience/ person. Over a period of time, this mere thought gets powerful and becomes a part of our life, and starts living with us in our minds. Such experiences are detrimental to us and our health and hence it is a must to forgive for our good.

How Forgiveness works – Energy Context

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed! It can change from one form to another!

These thoughts/ feelings about such negative episodes, here referring to forgiveness are basically “Emotions” and they are stored in us in the form of energy. We need to transform the form. It’s interesting, read more.

Energy Transformation Process

Example: In a Hyrdo electric plant, mechanical energy produces electrical energy which is used to produce light/ sound. Water is used to generate different kinds of energy. It is just the form that changes.

Emotions are in Energy Form and lower emotions are dense.

An emotion like anger, frustration, irritation, etc is low vibration energy and dense. It tends to gravitate and sit in our lower energy centers called chakras. We need an energy transformer (chakra or some tools) to move this energy and transmute it to another form, here to higher energy or higher vibrations. Awareness is needed to first start addressing this issue.

Lower energy from the lower chakras like Solar Plexus when pushed up to our Heart (or heart chakra), transforms to love, which is more inclined to forgive. When it further moves up (to Crown Chakra) it gets transmuted to spiritual energy, Compassion, and Oneness.

It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.

Tyler Perry
Focus on growth and positivity. Leave behind the past.

Relativity with Forgiveness

As mentioned above, when we decide and start to forgive: anger & resentment energy gets transformed/ transmuted to forgiveness & love energy and ultimately rise up to compassion!

What Happens When We DO NOT FORGIVE?

Energy Links” and How they Bind us!

silver chain

Energy Links: Any emotion or thought we have for the other person creates an energy link between us every time we think of it. 

Prana/ Our Fuel of Life – Prana, our Life Energy energy is the fuel that runs us. To emote these emotions, we need (Prana) fuel and this is consumed from our energy tank, our life fuel. Basically, we need and use Prana/ Life energy to Live these emotions! These intense emotions eat up our fuel/ prana and if we are not aware or are mindful to replenish this stock we get drained and ultimately tired. Now can you connect the dots as to why you feel dull when you are vibrating from a lower zone of emotions?

Emotions are to be felt, respected, honored and after it has served its purpose, we must let go. Holding on to it is where we go wrong.


Multiple Reasons To Forgive?

“Because it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.

St Francis of Assisi
  • Love is stronger than hate.
  • The real prisoner is us when we do not forgive!
  • Listen to the story before judging.

Another Important Reason To Forgive: When we have anger/ angry energy and refuse to let go, we let it live with us and we feed it every day. Over a period of time, it builds up in us and becomes like baggage ( and energy blocks ). This hampers the

1) flow of energy 

2) this blocked energy may get transferred to a nearby physical (maybe a weaker one, easy target) organ and manifest there as an ailment. 

Who must we Forgive?

  • “Who” Hurt You!
  • Those Who “You” Hurt!
  • “Self” – This is the most neglected one!

Positive Affirmations – Try this everyday!​

I will be giving to myself.
I will be generous to myself.
I will be giving myself time.
I will not rush myself, and I will be giving myself many many chances.
I will be kind and generous to myself.
So be it.


  • I forgive myself for whatever mistakes I have made.
  • I forgive my past.
  • I let go of my past.
  • I let go of my inner pain, anger, hatred, sorrow, suffering, frustration, and irritation.


  • I forgive everything in my life.
  • I forgive life itself.
  • I forgive and let go of the past.
  • So be it.

Special Forgiveness – Family

  • I forgive my family.
  • I forgive each and every one of them. I realized we had karma to work out.
  • I let go of inner pain, anger, hatred, and ill will; I forgive everything from my childhood experiences with my family
  • So be it.

Forgiveness Prayer – Short Version


Silently say,
“You are forgiven. God’s blessings and peace be with me and be with you.”

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